Available currencies

List of supported currencies and their respective commissions

Method: GET
Route: /currency/list (opens in a new tab)

The service data API provides information on supported currencies, our service commission, and other relevant details such as the minimum payment amount. Limits, commissions, and fees are updated periodically and are immediately displayed at this endpoint.

There is no need to request this method every second; the frequency of updating and saving data to the cache is no more frequent than every 30 seconds.

Example cURL request

curl -X GET \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Api-Key: d45b954fd5f59f49f71b9d93735045ab4888a8d2293ffe3f0841c7d198d13572" \
--url "https://api.cryptosteroid.com/v1/currency/list


percentProcessingNumberTransaction processing percentage fee for all cryptocurrencies.
percentWithdrawalNumberWithdrawal commission percentage for all cryptocurrencies.
listArrayA list of currency objects with current data.