Create address

Create payment address

Method: POST
Route: /merchants/:merchant/wallets/:wallet/address (opens in a new tab)

If you want to receive notifications when funds are received at the created address, you need to provide the URL where the webhook will be sent as a POST request. We will send the Transaction object when the payment is detected and again after it is confirmed in the blockchain network.

Warning: The Secure Token is required if a callback URL is provided. The Secure Token is a random string that needs to be safely stored in your application. After receiving the webhook, check it against the Token header.

To link the address to a User or Order, you need to provide its ID in the identify field.


merchantStringrequired Merchant ID in UUIDv4 format
walletStringrequired Wallet ID in UUIDv4 format


labelStringrequired Label for Payment Address
callbackStringoptional Payment Processor URL
tokenStringoptional Secure Token to Validate Webhook Header
identifyStringoptional Identifier to Link with Order or User


currencyStringCurrency Name
networkStringCurrency Network
addressStringGenerated Payment Address
qrStringQR Code
createdAtNumberTimestamp hen the address was generated
statusStringAddress Status, listen or archive
minPaymentAmountNumberMinimum Allowable Payment Amount

This API endpoint is private and requires an authorization header X-Api-Key